Preparing Print files for uploading

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to save files for print with crops and bleeds before uploading:

1. Before you start setting up your document, ensure that you know the final dimensions 210mm x 297mm with 3mm bleeds.

2. Set up the document in the correct size as per the final product dimensions.

3. Add the bleeds and crop marks to the document using the crop marks tool. Bleeds are usually set at a minimum of 3mm around all edges of the document. A good way to add bleeds is to create your design size plus 13mm on each side that requires a bleed around a central bleed guide.

4. Ensure that all images and text in your document are within the bleed areas.

5. Check to make sure that there are no critical elements such as text or image details placed too close to the edges. These elements could get trimmed off when the job is cut to size.

6. Save the document in a high-res, print-ready PDF file format.

7. Name the file something relevant like the project name. For example, Businessnameletterhead.pdf.

8. Once you have saved the file, ensure that all the fonts are embedded and graphics are CMYK. RGB files will not print correctly.

9. After ensuring that your document, bleed, and crop marks are correctly set up, you can now upload your file ready for print.

Keep in mind that it is essential to ensure you export high-resolution PDF files. It ensures that your design is clear and prints correctly. Always check the preview before pressing print to avoid any errors.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your file is print-ready with bleeds and crops. It will help ensure that your final product is of high-quality printing standards.